“I swear to tell the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth” …. Common Courtroom Oath
This blog will always report on Customer Centric, Loyalty, and Millennial Marketing with an independent and unbiased point of view. I approach my consulting assignments with clients in the same way….the best solution is that which comes from understanding the business model, assessing challenges and objectives, and designing a solution that is optimal for the Client above all other interests.
“You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!”…. Jack Nicholson, “A Few Good Men” 1992
This serves as a reminder that peeling back the layers of a business can reveal some unsightly issues and may cause temporary pain. If there was ever need for a change agent in the Loyalty and Relationship Marketing field, it is now. Breaking new ground and trying approaches that don’t have wide market acceptance often constitute the breakthrough actions needed to stay ahead of the competition.
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”… John 8:32
Making a critical and candid business assessment via a proven planning methodology and recommending the right solution will yield profits for your business. In the coming year, break the mold and shed traditional methods “because it is what we have always done”. In doing so, you will be “set free” to increase customer retention, share of wallet, and customer preference – all of which will result in wider profit margins.