Independent and unbiased insight on customer loyalty and data-driven marketing

Category "Social Loyalty"

Facebook Commerce

Facebook Commerce

Shopping has always been a social activity, shared between people, so pairing "Social" with "Shopping" [...]

Tasti D-Lite is Smooth

Tasti D-Lite is Smooth

Technology Enables, but Imagination Wins Tasti D-Lite not only rolled up its sleeves to take advantage [...]

Everyone is Tweeting, But is Anyone Listening?

Everyone is Tweeting, But is Anyone Listening?

In the midst of the 23rd Annual Card Forum last week, I received a tweet [...]

Miller Tastepoints – No Facebook, No Epic Summer

Miller Tastepoints – No Facebook, No Epic Summer

Watching the Miami Heat and Boston Celtics kickoff their playoff series this weekend, I saw [...]

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